Programming Project No presentation Submission deadline: 11:59pm, May 2 (Thursday) The programming project can be done individually or by a group of 2 students. You can use C, C++, Java, or Python in...…[详细]
Comp 2322 Computer Networking Project: Multi-thread Web Server Due time: 11:59pm, April 21, 2024, Sunday Total marks: 100 marks Project objectives This project aims to develop a socket program to imp...…[详细]
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering IMSE2113 Information Systems Assignment 2 Building A Barcode-enabled Android App for Displaying Product Information Objectives In a depa...…[详细]
Java Assignment3 Important Notes 3. 1. The assignment is an individual project, to be finished on one’s own effort. 2. 20% mark deduction will be given for late submission within 2 days, and 0 for e...…[详细]
CPT206 Computer Programming for Financial Mathematics: Coursework 1 Task Specification Thomas Selig This is the specification task sheet for the Coursework 1 assessment component of your CPT206 modul...…[详细]